Late last night I received a message that reminds me to never give up on my historical research. The decedent of one of our fallen Marines thanked me for keeping his grandfather's memory alive. His grandfather, Master Sergeant Robert Lewis Jonasson, from VMR-252, died in an R4Q crash on February 7th, 1951, near Eastville, VA. The cause was due to severe weather and high winds. The gratitude he shared with me belongs to all of you who have followed this page and my research. Because of your moral support and profits from the Marine Battleherk store, I have had access to major resources like Fold3, Ancestry, Newspapers, and paid for historical documents and media. Because of these resources, I discovered the names and surrounding events of that crash as well as others. Today, after 6 years, that information has come full circle because another person has found information on their family member. It was a very good Veterans Day to say the least. Looking deeper into MSgt. Jonasson's past, I found he was in our community as early as 1938 with VMJ-1, which later was re-designated as VMJ-152 and deactivated in the 1950s. If you've taken the time to read this entire post, thank you for your time and support. It makes a difference in people's lives, and drives me to continue what I do.
Determination and Perseverance
Alan Stinar