Alan Stinar
Creator of the Marine Battleherk Project and current historian for the Marine Corps Air Transport Association. Alan served 10 years in the Marines from 2003 to 2013 as a KC-130 F/R/T and J aircraft powerplant mechanic. One of his additional duties while in service was to perform historical duties for all Marine transport and utility squadrons since 1928.
After his service, he went on to work in Saudi Arabia as a T56 engine repair technician and finally with Lockheed Martin as a C-130J Aircraft Mechanic until his voluntary resignation due to disabilities from service.
He replaced his wrenches for a camera and decided to pursue a Bachelors Degree in Digital Cinematography, graduating in October 2017 from Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL.
If you have any stories to tell, photos to share, or request information on any of the squadrons in his purview, contact him below.
Alan Stinar